What is The Lymphatic system & why is it so important?

The lymphatic system is an organ system in vertebrates (like us!) crucial to the circulatory and immune systems. Made up of a large network of lymph nodes, fluid, vessels, organs, and tissues, this system is an intricate work of art.

Image courtesy of Skin Philosophy

Image courtesy of Skin Philosophy

The lymph vessels form a network of branches that reach most of the body's tissues. They work similarly to blood vessels. The lymph vessels work with the veins to return fluid from the tissues. Unlike blood, the lymphatic fluid is not pumped but squeezed through the vessels when we use our muscles.

The lymphatic vessels drain into collecting ducts, which empty their contents into the two subclavian (under clavicle) veins, located under the collarbones. These veins join to form the superior vena cava, which isthe large vein that drains blood from the upper body into the heart.

So where does Strategic Muscle Therapy come in?

As we go through our day-to-day lives — be it from behind a desk, suffering an illness or disease, recovering from surgery, being an athlete, etc. — through all the things life hands us, we accumulate stress. We hold that stress in our bodies & carry it with us, unless it is flushed. Remember the lymph system doesn’t pump around, it squeezes through the vessels.

That’s were SMT can be a game-changer.

SMT helps speed up & encourage the lymphatic system to clean up what life has inflicted on our bodies. Let’s purge those toxins from stress & trauma! You’ve got enough to carry around and certainly don’t need to be carrying last month’s stress, too.